The author, Skip Nelson, served with the US Army in Vietnam, from December 1967 until December 1968.

Although Vietnam was torn by war at that time and the people lived in desperate circumstances, Skip fell in love with the culture, the country and the people.

He vowed to return one day.

In September of 2009, he returned and rediscovered why he fell in love with a country and a people that changed his life forever. He has returned more times and traveled extensively throughout the country.

Many of his Vietnam-American war Veterans have said that his photos have given them piece of mind.  Many of his Vietnamese friends have thanked him for reminding them how beautiful their country is.

Vietnam: Another Look is a collection of photographs and observations of his experiences in a far off country that became his second home, or as his friend and fellow Vietnam vet Chris Casey says..”The country I grew up in”.

This book is dedicated to all those who were killed in the Vietnam-American War...and those who still suffer the effects........on both sides.